Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal

Electrolysis is FDA approved

So What Has Happened to Your Face?

Facial hair all starts it’s life as...

..soft peach fuzz.

Those peach fuzz hairs were fed by oil (from the sebaceous oil gland)  However, when the hormones change in the body, those hormones will select areas to change the hair's food supply.

~Food Supply Changed ~

 (As your hormones change... So does the hair!)

The hair once fed by oil, now is fed by a  blood supply and over time.. becomes :

  • Bigger
  • Fatter
  • Longer
  • Thicker

... and for us girls...   less wanted!

* Once hormones change, there will grow inside the skin's follicle, a piece of tissue, something like a uterus. We say uterus because this tissue gives birth to and then feeds the hair.
 it is called...

a Papilla.

This new tissue begins a feeding process, and the new food will grow the once light hair into a thick and
unwelcome guest!

Electrolysis is  removing  this

" easily removing the uterus-like tissue"....

(Is something Like a

tiny hysterectomy)

Yes, it is "permanent" Hair Removal!

The follicle will be treated....

...and left sterile.

(unable to grow unwanted hair!)

Questions like:
How does it feel or how long will it take?

These questions can only be answered
 in the very first treatment.


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